If there's one thing I like, it's a good weekly feature - so, I think I'll just start one! I'm going to call it "Blake's hidden gem o' the week."

I should probably explain just a bit this first week, but in following weeks, I'll just write a really quick post with a link a resource that you'll probably be glad to know about. And, as the title implies, I'll post these weekly, though the actual day of the week may vary.

The whole idea behind this series comes from having worked with a few thousand advertisers over the years, and realizing that many of them were unaware of some really useful information in the Help Center on the AdWords site. Actually, you'll find just about anything you’d need to know to run your AdWords account successfully in there, if you spend a few minutes looking. As it turns out, I've spent lots of hours in the AdWords Help Center - and have some personal favorites.

Today's Hidden Gem is the AdWords Demos and Guides page, on which you'll find eight brief Macromedia Flash demos. In order to entice you to visit the Demos and Guides page, I'll only mention two of them. Want some Optimization Tips? Well, you know where to go. Need help Understanding Conversion Tracking more deeply? Yep, it's there too.

Take a little tour - I think you'll be glad you did. As for myself, I can't wait till next week. This should be fun!