From time to time, we love to get a group of advertisers together and ask them to talk about their experiences with AdWords. It's a great way for us to learn, right from the source, what's working with our program and what could use some improvement.

One thing we've noticed during these forums is that when you get a bunch of advertisers together, they often begin to bond -- and they just naturally start helping each other. It's a real pleasure to see advertisers begin to swap tips and tricks and to share their hard-won knowledge in order to help each other advertise more successfully with AdWords. I think more than a few of our advertisers are natural born teachers.

Just thinking about this puts a smile on my face. And, if you find yourself feeling the same way, then I've got good news for you!

Recently, the AdWords team built an online forum in which AdWords advertisers may search or browse for answers, ask questions, and assist others with AdWords -- 24/7. It is our fondest hope that a strong and vibrant community of AdWords advertisers will grow there and enjoy each other's company while sharing their knowledge and skill.

This new forum, called AdWords Help, may be found on Google Groups. And if the idea of helping others -- while also learning from them -- excites you at all, you're cordially invited to join. We've quietly grown to just over 125 members now, and we thought it was time to mention AdWords Help to a wider audience. You'll be getting in right at the start of something good, should you decide to join us.

We hope that you'll stop by and take a look. Maybe during your visit, you'll even decide to ask a question. Or exercise your inner-teacher, and answer one or two. ;)

Have fun!