By now you may have noticed that the Report Center has gotten a face lift and that it takes fewer clicks to run a report. Not only that, there are more ways to access and customize your data. Ann-Lee, from the Report Center team, tells us more:

Ever wish you could get a report to see which ads are falling under average position four, or to see which keywords are averaging a higher cost-per-click (CPC) than you'd like to spend?

With the new campaign performance filters, you can see data not only by keyword status, match type and specific keywords, but also by impressions, clicks, average CPC, cost, and average position. Also in the Advanced Options, you can even add or delete columns such as 'daily budget' or 'conversion rate' to further customize every report.

And due to popular demand, you'll now have the ability to designate a different recipient or groups of recipients for every emailed report. Check out the new Report Center from the Reports tab in your account or from the Client Reports tab in your My Client Center.