Display vs. Destination URLs
Friday, May 19, 2006
When creating a new ad, be sure to make an informed decision about your Display and Destination URLs. Contrary to popular belief, the two do not need to be identical.
To begin, let’s clarify the difference between the two. The Display URL is the URL that appears below your ad text when your ad is shown. The Display URL should be no longer than 35 characters and is often the same URL as your site’s homepage (e.g. www.Example.com). I like to think of Display URLs as the online answer to the brick and mortar company name sign that hangs outside your actual location.
The Destination URL, on the other hand, is the specific location within your site where you’d like to take a user that has clicked on your ad. The Destination URL does not have to match the Display URL, but should be in the same domain (e.g. www.example.com/shoes). If a Display URL is equivalent to the company name sign, the Destination URL is the particular location within your store (e.g. the shoe section) that you want your users to visit.
Though your ad’s Display and Destination URL can be the same, why not take users to the precise location within your site where the service or product you’re advertising is located? Using the most relevant Destination URL for your ad is a best practice that will help reduce the number of steps it takes for a user to purchase, download, view, or sign-up for your product or service.
Lastly, as you decide upon the URLs for your new or edited ad, keep the Links section of the AdWords Editorial Guidelines in mind to ensure that your Display and Destination URLs get the thumbs up from our Editorial team.