In recent months, we've heard several interesting updates from the Google™ Audio Ads team, who have shared news regarding the development and beta testing of their product.

One of the things that keeps that team up at night is the reach -- or the number of different audience members listening to the radio -- available to advertisers through Google Audio Ads. Needless to say, the Audio Ads folks are very interested in ensuring that our advertisers are able to reach as many of those potential customers as possible.

That's why we're happy to share news of an important strategic relationship with Clear Channel Radio, the largest radio station group owner in the U.S. Here's Andrew Chang, from the Audio Ads team to fill us in on what this will mean for AdWords advertisers:

This relationship with Clear Channel Radio makes a portion of premium and guaranteed radio inventory available to advertisers in Google Audio Ads. These Clear Channel Radio stations, when combined with our existing radio station partners, give AdWords advertisers access to radio inventory that includes 'Top 10' stations in 24 of the top 25 U.S. markets -- providing coverage (i.e. people can tune into the station) to over 99% of the U.S. population aged 12 and older. (Source: ACT1 / Arbitron)

We are accepting additional advertisers to try Audio Ads each week, and would once again like to invite you to be considered as a beta tester. If you're uncertain whether Audio Ads would be a good fit for your business, and would like to learn more, please check out a new 10 minute demo that we've just added on our product site. We think it will help you make an informed decision.

Please note that, because of the large number of stations involved and the technical integrations with each station, it will take some time for us to fully connect Google Audio Ads with all of Clear Channel Radio's stations. Still, Audio Ads beta testers will have the exciting opportunity of hearing their ads on an ever-increasing number of radio stations, across markets, in addition to the hundreds available today.

If you think Audio Ads could be a good match for your business, do keep an eye out for future updates on Inside AdWords. As always, we'll keep you posted with the latest details.