New Interface Thursday: Using keyboard shortcuts
Thursday, April 16, 2009
One of the primary goals of the new interface is to help you manage your campaigns more efficiently. We also wanted to offer some of the conveniences you'll find in other Google products, like keyboard shortcuts. Just like in Gmail, you can quickly navigate around your account without having to use the mouse. In the new AdWords interface you have a number of keyboard shortcuts at your fingertips:
Global navigation
g then o: Go to All Online Campaigns
g then c: Go to Campaigns tab
g then r: Go to Ad groups tab
g then k: Go to Keywords tab
g then n: Go to Networks tab
g then a: Go to Ads tab
g then s: Go to Settings tab
Table navigation and actions
j/k: Next/previous row in the primary data table
x: Select current row (Use Shift + x for multiple rows)
e: Edit
p: Pause
n: Enable
d: Delete
l: Download
Editing ad groups and keywords:
e: Edit selected rows
Ctrl + Arrows: Move between editable fields
Ctrl + s: Save changes
Esc: Cancel edit mode
If you ever forget a shortcut, you can always find them in the help widget in the bottom left of your account.