Following a successful launch in the U.S., AdWords Campaign Experiments (ACE) is starting to roll out globally. For those who missed the last blog post, ACE is a free tool that makes it easier to test and precisely measure the impact of changes to your keywords, bids, ad groups and placements.

How ACE can help you
ACE reduces the guesswork and potential risk involved with making changes to your campaign. Its scientific split-testing approach gives you valid measurements regardless of changes in demand, competitor movements, or other sales and marketing activity that can complicate traditional before-and-after measurement approaches.

If you can relate to any of the following scenarios, you’ll probably find ACE useful:
  • You’re considering adding (or pausing) a bunch of new keywords, but you aren’t sure how it will affect your overall campaign clicks, costs, and conversions.
  • You have a few keywords that account for a significant fraction of your total AdWords clicks, conversions and cost. You’d like to know what happens if you raise (or lower) bids by 10%. Do your clicks and conversions change by 10% -- or maybe less than that? How would your cost per click and cost per conversion change?
  • You want to easily test a new landing page design tailored for a few high-value keywords against your existing landing page*.
  • A colleague suggests you might improve your Google Display Network campaign performance by adjusting keywords and adding some placement-specific bids, but you’re concerned you might wind up with fewer conversions and no improvement in cost per conversion.
In each case, you can set up the experiment to measure the impact with just 10-50% of your traffic -- whatever you specify. ACE runs the experiment side-by-side with the existing setup. In AdWords, easy-to-read visual indicators show you wherever performance is significantly different between the two.

Where to find ACE and learn more
After signing into AdWords, you can access ACE on the Campaign tab under Settings. For those outside the U.S., this is a rolling launch so you should see it within a week or so.

To learn more about using ACE, check out these videos and the Help Center FAQ.

* ACE makes it simple to test two different landing pages for a keyword, an ad, or an ad group directly in AdWords. If you want to test more than two landing page designs at a time, test a landing page with multiple traffic sources (for example, all search traffic, display and email campaigns, etc.) or simultaneously test multiple elements on the landing page, we instead recommend Google Website Optimizer.

September 14 Update: ACE is fully supported in the newest AdWords API version announced today.