In 2000, just a couple of years after Larry and Sergey founded Google, we launched our online advertising program, AdWords. The story of AdWords is literally the story of you, our advertisers and partners. We’re all deeply inspired by your ambition, creativity and innovation as we’ve all worked to build this new online advertising world over these past ten years.

So we felt the best way to mark this moment was to applaud and honor AdWords advertisers by sharing your stories and successes with the world. This December, as part of our AdWords 10th birthday celebration, we’ll be publishing a global map featuring businesses who are happy to tell their stories. Join us by creating a short (three minutes or less) YouTube video or written piece (750 characters or less) telling us your story: who you are, what your business is about, how it’s grown, and the role AdWords has played in your success.

You can learn more at this website (including submission instructions and sample videos), and we’ll keep this blog updated with the latest AdWords 10th birthday news.